
The Dough Does Not Rise
Water was too cool to activate the yeast or so hot that it killed the yeast
The dough was not kneaded long enough and gluten did not develop
Rising place is too cool

The Bread Falls in the Oven
Dough rose too long and got too light
Not enough flour added

The Crust Is Too Thick
Too much flour
Insufficient rising period
Oven temperature is too low

The Bread Is Heavy & Dense
Too much flour added
Insufficient rising period
Dough was not kneaded long enough and gluten did not develop

The Bread Is Dry & Crumbly
Too much flour added
Dough not kneaded long enough
Rising period too long

The Bread Has Holes in It
Air not completely pressed out of dough when loaves were shaped
Dough rose too long before baking loaves

The Bread Smells &Tastes of Yeast
Rising periods too long